Weapons were very important in Anglo-Saxon society. A weapons was more then a tool, it was also a status symbol.
The richer a person was, the more elaborate and detailed their weapon would be.
The Sword
The sword was the most symbolically important weapon. Saxon swords were two edged and flat, including a hilt and pommel on the bottom. The pommel was often highly decorated to signify rank.
The Axe
Axes were more often used as a tool then as a weapon, but if the need arose, they served their purpose well. They consisted of a wooden shaft, and a heavy, one sided metal head.
The Seax
This is the blade from which we get the word "Saxon". Seaxes were a general purpose tool that doubled as a weapon. Almost everyone in Saxon times owned a seax.
The Spear
Spears were the most common weapon in the time. 85% percent of Anglo-Saxon graves contained spears. They were an effective close range weapon, but could also be hurled at the enemy, creating an effective ranged weapon as well.
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Armour and defenses were also very important, and symbolic as well. The more decorated the equipment was, the more important the person was.
Chain Mail
Chain mail offered a lot of protection to the wearer. It was able to lessen blows, and stopped swords from cutting. But they were particularly cumbersome, and slowed down the wearer.
The Helmet
Helmets were not common until later in Anglo-Saxon history. Helmets were often elaborately designed, and were also a symbol of rank.
The Shield
The shield was the most used piece of defensive equipment, used by nearly every Saxon in battle. It consisted of wooden boards held together by iron fittings and glue. They were often used in battle to create a shield wall.
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