By the fourth century, Britain was a wealthy land, due to its mild climate and centuries of peace. This made the land a prime target for invaders. Also, Rome had pulled all of its troops out of Britain, because of invasions back home.
The rulers of Britain worried about invasions from the Picts and the Scoti, so they signed a treaty with the Saxons, giving them food and land in return for protection from invasions.
(mouse over each name to find out more)
Scoti is the name Roman authors gave to the Gaels, the inhabitants of Ireland. They raided the west coasts of Britain, and often took prisoners.
The Picts are a Celtic cultured people living in the north of Britain, or Scotland. They were a thorn in the side of the Romans, and now with Roman armies gone, they saw their chance to take back lands that were captures from them.
The Britons are the people who lived in the land of Britain. Later, they are reffered to as the Welsh, as when the Saxons invaded, they drove the Britons into Wales.
In answer to the Britons invitation, groups of people came to Britain. The three main groups were Angles, Jutes, and Saxons. Writers of the time say that these were the three most powerful Germanic tribes at the time.
(mouse over each country to find out more)
The Jutes originated from modern day Denmark. They were also a powerful Germanic tribe, and came with the Angles and Saxons to occupy Britain.
Anglia was the original home of the Angles. It is located in what is now now the most northern state of Germany. The Angles played a big influence on Britain, as it is from their name that the name England was based on.
Saxon Coast
The Saxons came from here; from what is now Northern Netherlands or Germany. The Saxons were a Germanic tribe, and the may also have gone to Britain in order to flee the power of the Frankish Empire, which was expanding into their land.
They decided to stay, and turned on the Britons. After a long period of fighting, they forced the Britons to flee into Wales. Briton now came to be known as England, "the land of the Angles".
(the diagram shows approximately where each faction settled)